Focus On What You Love

Human Resources
Reduce or eliminate time-draining paperwork. We’ll help you streamline policies and processes so you can focus on running your business.
Employee Handbooks
Employee Discipline & Termination
Conflict Resolution
Unemployment Management
Regulation Compliance
I-9 Compliance
Background Checks
Workplace Posters
Get timely payroll processing and convenient paycheck delivery. Our expert support handles your payroll needs, while you focus your time and energy on building a strong business.
Payroll Processing
FLSA Compliance
State Sick Leave Compliance
IRS & State Payroll Tax
Process Wage Claims & Garnishments

Workers' Compensation
Get responsive claim service, expert advice, and support services to mitigate risk and liability. We make it easy and affordable to get the coverage you and your employees need.
OSHA Compliance
Claims Processing
Processing Verifiable Time Records
Custom Tailored Safety Programs
Define Workers’ Compensation Code Classifications
Safeguard your business by staying current on employer-related compliance laws. By constantly monitoring the ever-changing regulatory landscape, we help you identify and fix potential risks to your business.
HR & Tax Compliance
Drug Testing & Support
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Employee Relations
FICA, FUTA, & SUTA Tax Compliance
Safety, Training & Insurance
EPLI (Employment Practices Liability Insurance)
Documentation Preservation

Benefits & Retirement
Attract and retain top notch employees with premium benefits. Our buying power means you get quality comprehensive coverage at affordable rates.
Health Insurance
- Medical
- Dental
- Vision